Internal Medicine
Internal medicine involves treatment and care for the body’s internal organs. At Cat Care of Fayette, we value performing thorough exams and offering diagnostics best suited for your pet’s condition.
We offer both conventional, integrative, and holistic approaches to managing your cat’s medical concerns whether it is a short term or chronic condition. Check out our integrative service options here
We look at the total picture with your cat and diet, lifestyle, and environment can play a huge role in your cat’s behavior. We can help discuss ways to keep your cat happy and mentally stimulated as well as discuss alternative options for felines with more complex temperaments. We also work with a certified feline behaviorist that can discuss an action plan to help enrich your cat’s life.
The immune system is how the body fights off infection. Cats have 2 main viruses that can majorly affect the immune system (FIV and Feline Leukemia). Other issues that may be due to an underlying immune system issue could be auto-immune diseases, allergies, and more.
Cats are very good at hiding disease until later in disease when obvious signs show. Doing a thorough health exam may catch heart disease early where we look for murmurs or abnormal heart rhythms.
Hepatic (Liver)
Liver disease is one of the “big five” most common feline diseases. Toxin exposure, liver disease, or even other bodily dysfunction can lead to issues with the liver.
The endocrine system controls the body’s hormones and glands. In cats, the most common endocrine dysfunctions include Diabetes and hyperthyroidism. Many endocrine dysfunctions can cause skin changes, behavioral changes, or changes in your cat’s typical routine.
Gastroenterology (GI)
Digestive disorders including lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and more. These may also be signs of other underlying diseases.
This involves your pet’s brain and nervous system health. Issues here may include seizures, tremors, severe behavioral issues, or effects of toxin exposure.
We are here to discuss your pet’s health whether intact or spayed/neutered. Sometimes, issues with the reproductive tract can lead to the need for surgery or further diagnostics.
There are various types of cancers cats may have including internal, diffuse cancer or cancerous masses. In cats, we may see lymphoma, mammary gland tumors, skin cancer, or oral tumors.
Cats (particularly males) can have a very sensitive urinary tract leading to urinary issues including becoming obstructed (or “blocked). Other common feline urology issues include urinary tract infections, incontinence, and bladder stones.
The most common diseases we see in cats include asthma, bronchitis, bacterial or viral infections. The lungs are important for providing oxygen to the tissues and play a vital part of cardiac health as well.
Gastroenterology (GI)
Digestive disorders including lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and more. These may also be signs of other underlying diseases.