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Acupuncture works by releasing endogenous opioids within the body. This is a natural “happy-feeling” hormone that also has a sedating feeling. It can help innervate nerves, aid in pain relief, and improve general organ function.

 What can acupuncture treat?

  • Muscloskeletal issues (soft tissue injuries, paralysis, pain from trauma, weakness due to aging, and more)

  • GI Issues (Diarrhea, vomiting, appetite, and more)

  • Seizures

  • Internal Organ Disease (Kidney Disease, Liver disease, Asthma and Lung Disease, Heart Issues)

  • Incontinence due to Urinary or Bowel Disease

  • Congenital Issues and Weakness

  • General Immune Support (Allergies, Cancer, Aging, Chronic Illness)

  • Sinus, Oral, and Facial Issues

What can acupuncture NOT treat?

  1. Fractures

  2. Parasites

  3. Infection

  4. Cancer

Do the needles hurt?

Typically patients do not notice the needles being placed. However, sometimes if there is pain associated in an area, there may be a small reaction to the needle placement. Similarly, some animals like humans are more sensitive to needles and may notice the initial insertion more. Once the needles are placed, it typically causes a sedating, relaxing effect on the body and mind.

What if my pet doesn’t tolerate needling?

If you are looking for alternative therapies for your pet, we can discuss other options which may be better for your pet including laser therapy or herbal therapy.

How do I know that it’s working?

In a new patient, acupuncture may take up to 4 regular sessions to see noticeable effects. We ask that you commit to AT LEAST 4-5 sessions before deeming it has no effect for your pet. Acupuncture aids in the relief for many issues, but is not a cure. Additional therapies may be needed in combination such as herbal therapy which has stronger medicinal effects.

What should I expect during and after the session?

Each session, our licensed veterinarian will place all of the needles on your pet. In the state of Georgia, only licensed vets are allowed to perform acupuncture on animals. Based on your cat’s temperament, we will assess how many needles to place and the location to place them. After the session, your pet may be much more drowsy than usual. However, most people report a noticeable increase in energy or attitude in the following 24-36 hours.

Can acupuncture hurt my pet?

No. The needles are VERY small. Acupuncture has essentially no harmful effects other than some patients may not experience noticeable results.

My cat is aggressive for needling and/or difficult to handle in the clinic. Can we sedate for acupuncture?

Unfortunately, sedation and medications like gabapentin work against acupuncture’s effects. We can discuss laser therapy which has a more hands-off administration, herbal therapy to be performed at home, or in-home acupuncture visits.

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