Integrative Therapies
Acupuncture involves the placement of small needles into specific points on the body for therapeutic effects. In ancient times, this meant helping move bodily fluids and energy to allow for the relief of pain and improvement of certain disease processes. Now, acupuncture has been shown to improve blood circulation, oxygenation, pain, nerve regeneration and sensation, and aid in the relief of many bodily diseases. Learn more here.
Laser Therapy
Here at Cat Care of Fayette we use a Class 4 laser to provide light therapy with administers therapeutic effects such as pain management, increased circulation, and cell recovery. It can also be used to help chronic organ disease such as kidney disease and aid in chronic oral issues such as stomatitis in cats. Learn more here.
Herbal Therapy
Herbals have been used as medicine for thousands of years and provided successful treatment for many disease processes. While acupuncture can support certain issues, herbals work to treat the underlying issue. However, herbals ARE medicinal meaning they require a licensed professional to prescribe them and a valid patient-relationship to continue prescriptions. We offer herbal consultation here at Cat Care. Learn more here.
Microbiome Transfuanation
Here at Cat Care of Fayette, we offer fecal microbiome transplantations which involves administering donor stool with sterile saline trans-rectally directly into the colon. It can be used to treat various GI issues as well as chronic allergies and skin issues, behavioral and anxiety disorders, and more. Learn more here.
Nutritional Guidance
What we put in the body is the strongest medicine of all. Nutrition is the core of all health. When providing herbal or food therapy, we evaluate not only the pet’s disease process but factors in it’s lifestyle which can be discussed during your consultation. We can discuss diet options for your cat as well as any additional recommended supplements your pet may need. Learn more here.
Coming Soon
TCVM Overview
The basis of integrative and holistic medicine
TCVM is short for Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. This is an ancient medicne that involves evaluating and treating each patient individually. This means not only evaluating the health concerns but also the personality, diet, lifestyle, and habits of each pet.
TCVM has many roots including
Hot vs Cold: Temperature can tell us a lot about how to evaluate your pet. Does your cat prefer cool tile floor or sunny window spots?
5 Elements: There are 5 core personality traits that each individual typically resonates more with one of the five. Based on this, it may lead an individual to be more prone to certain diseases. We will assess this at your initial consultation.
TCVM Exam: The traditional TCVM exam places heavy emphasis on tongue shape and coloration, pulse quality, and coat health. A full exam is always performed, but these small details may point at other underlying disease or give us pointers to how better treat your cat if previous therapy has not been successful.
At Cat Care of Fayette, we offer integrative approaches to our medicine by using this traditional evaluation as a guide in treating your pet while combining it with modern advances in knowledge and understanding of disease processes. There are some instances where modern pharmaceuticals are more beneficial and may have stronger effects. However, we accommodate based on your beliefs and your cat’s needs. We can discuss more at your appointment time.